Excuse Me Whilst I Stand on this Soapbox

I finally saw the new Avengers movie last night. Do you know how many previews for upcoming films I saw? Probably, five or six. Do you know how many of those films was an original idea? ONE! I also saw an advertisement for a scripted show about behind the scenes of a reality show. Seriously… What the hell is happening to American entertainment?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m excited for upcoming films. I mean Jurassic Park looks like it has fantastic special effects, and Paul Rudd is Ant Man for fuck’s sake. I cannot wait for those movies. FYI The Fantastic Four remake looks better than the one that came out when I was a kid. So, it’s not as though I’m down on all remakes and book/comic based films. It’s just that I’m sad over the lack of creativity coming from Hollywood.

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. There are Youtube channels dedicated to such things. Yes, that’s my range of knowledge… Youtube channels, but you get the idea. (You can find anything on the internet. That’s not it. Right. Hollywood is sucking with original creativity lately.) The Hollywood remake is nothing new. I mean there were two versions of Love Affair/An Affair to Remember within twenty years. But at the same time, new material was being produced.

Here’s the thing about the non-remake/non-sequel/non-based on reading material film, it was an Adam Sandler movie. (And we do a collective eye roll and/or sigh.) I know people give Adam Sandler a lot of shit about his films… A LOT of shit. But as I drove away from the cinema thinking about the lack of originality, I realized at least Adam Sandler was producing original stories, albeit formulaic much of the time. (Also, minus Grown Ups 2).

Don’t get me started on Disney doing live-action versions of their classic films. Fuck you Disney. You’re a cartoon company. Anyone else creeped out by the live-action version of Mickey Mouse? No thank you. No wonder indie films are becoming more popular, because that’s where you have to go to find an original idea for the most part. Obviously, at the moment Hollywood isn’t in jeopardy of dying. Damn comic book movies and sequels and remakes. But eventually, they’ll run out, and then… Adam Sandler will be their savior. And the slope of Hollywood’s downfall will get significantly steeper. OR I could stop being such a pessimist.

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