There is. Another. Skywalker.

Happy Star Wars day people who enjoy good things such as quality entertainment and life in general. Now, if you’ve read my blog for any length of time or have encountered me in another format, you know I don’t need a special occasion to let my geek flag fly. And it’s not just one brand of geekiness either. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Comics as long as it’s good, I’ll partake. Hell, even if it’s not that good but I’m bored, I’ll be down for geeking out about (insert something you can geek out about).

May the Fourth though is a special day in geekdom. It’s a play on words celebrating the best sci-fi franchise (excluding the early 2000’s fiasco). And now let the debate begin. But I don’t think you can beat the nostalgia factor for people in my age bracket and older. My brothers introduced me to them. They taught me how to geek out about Star Wars. I’m not always grateful for my older brothers, but when I am, it usually involves something to do with Star Wars. So, today is just a time to be grateful for family and Star Wars.

There are things about the original trilogy that get under my skin, such as Leia telling Han to hold her in Return of the Jedi. Up until that point she has been such a strong character, and then suddenly, she needs a big strong man to hold her. Granted, she did just get quite the bomb… she made out with her brother. Yikes! Oh and also the man who has been trying to kill her for years, is in fact her father. Darth Vader is a great character but kind of a shitty villain. However, it’s the stuff  making him such a good and interesting character that makes him such a shit villain. I really like my villains to be bad and committed to their cause. Another issue is the lack of racial and ethnic diversity and the big time stereotyping in the orig trig. It’s really self-explanatory. Also, if you ever read the fun facts on IMDb about Star Wars, you’ll realize just how big of a douche George Lucas is.

Even as I type this blog dedicated to mostly Star Wars, realizing I have more to say about this story than I do about my thoughts for the future, I’m watching Return of the Jedi. It’s a long story why I’m watching it. But I also need to mention, it’s the original theatrical release, not the George Lucas having a CGI ejaculation on screen version. That’s all I have to say about that.

Now, it’s time to look to the future. Did anyone else get tears in their eyes with the shot of Han and Chewy in the last trailer? Because not only did I about wet myself, there were serious tears of excitement. Not that I was crying… Just watery eyes. I don’t want to get my hopes up. I still remember how disappointed I was with Phantom Menace and When Clones Attack… I mean Attack of the Clones. Shit. I just had to look up the name of Revenge of the Sith. Actually that one was pretty good. I felt a bit redeemed.  But you get the point, gut wrenching disappointment. However, from what I’ve seen of the Force Awakens, it looks like my soul won’t be crushed with disappointment. And that’s what scares me most.

FYI I saw a pictograph of Warwick Davis and Carrie Fisher on set, and Warwick looked like a child. So, did she for that matter. Sigh. Time goes on. Also, I think this is a screaming example of why I can’t get a date.

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